車サイドサンシェード 006
(税込) 送料込み
商品名 | 車サイドサンシェード 006 |
ブランド名 | Ninonly |
商品コメント | ?? Sun Protection and Cooling Effectively blocks sunlight, reduces interior temperature, keeps the car cooler and helps prevent leather from being tanned.br? Customized for Tesla Model 3 Y Full size filled windshield for more comprehensive shade. It can reduce a lot of heat and save the car range.br??Beautiful and high quality The front of the sun visor is designed with character. The front side is made of thickened fabric to reduce the strong (silver) harsh reflective effect. High quality thickened 240T+ reflective material can block the heat and sunlight inside the car, and it is light and not bulky.br?? Easy to fold and store The sun visor is easy to install, remove and fold, like all foldable things, in 2 seconds. Can be stored under the seat.br?? The top center has a Velcro opening designed to leave a gap for the rear view mirror that will not block devices such as the car recorder. |
- 車・バイク・自転車
- DIY、工具
- 庭、ガーデニング
- ガーデンファニチャー
- 日よけ、サンシェード

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